Thursday, September 4, 2008



This is Dana Williams from the Women's Walk 194...I am emailing to ask for prayers for an amazing man that sponsored my father on a walk and in turn my father sponsored me. This man's name is Donald Williams, he is one of my fathers cousins and has been fighting cancer for several years...this past week it was determined that it had spread to his brain. He has been in hospice since Friday. I am forwarding on this information to ask for prayers for his wife and 8 children and several grandchildren that he leaves as he makes his way to heaven. I ask for strength for the family as watching a loved one slowely pass is very difficult...

Donald is an all loving, all joyous, one overflowing of smiles, with contagious happiness and a man so full of Love and Living Life for Jesus Christ that all whom he meets he wants to tell you about his Savior.
" Pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus". -1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

De Colores,
Dana Williams

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